Ep 41: All The Magic Pills

Ep 41 Now IS The Time For Your Trauma Work.png

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We are sold sooo many magic pills. Diets and Pelotons and eyebrow enhancers and wrinkle cream and slimming bathing suits and on and on.

And believe me, I get it. There is value to these things, I’m not denying that. What I’m saying in this episode is that the trauma work is your foundation. Without it, the house of you can’t stand tall and proud.

in this episode I give you a real life example of how the trauma work I’ve done helps me to be brave, audacious and adaptable in my everyday life. It's a quick, direct, honest and action-oriented episode.

If you don’t get started today, healing is just that much further away. If you’ve been waiting for a sign to get started on your healing journey, this episode is it!

Click Book a Free Mini Session at orchidstory.com to get a free Time and Energy Expansion coaching session with me.