Getting Past All-Or-Nothing Thinking

I often work with women who have been through something BIG - a breakup, a diagnosis, a death. But other women ask me to help them do the self-work - move past perfectionism, learn how to slow down. They don’t sound as flashy but require a lot of patience and dedication and support - that’s where I come in!

Here’s something I worked on recently with a client that I want to share with you as a writing prompt today. If you’ve dealt with perfectionism, I think you’ll be able to relate. 

Do you ever find yourself trapped in all-or-nothing thinking? 

For example, if I can’t be ready for a marathon in three months, what’s the point of even starting a running routine?

Or, if I’m not guaranteed a publishing deal, why would I start a blog?

These are the thoughts on the opposite ends of the spectrum:

It's a huge challenge to follow your heart, start a creative practice, and celebrate the small things when you are stuck in all-or-nothing thinking.

So, here's the writing prompt. Draw the above scale in your journal with the labels. Think about the thing you are wanting to cultivate (patience with your kids, a journaling practice, learn how to play tennis - whatever).

Now, ask yourself, what is the middle ground? What opportunities lie between these two opposite ends of the spectrum? Write for 5 minutes and see what comes up. Bonus if you share it with me!

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